Documentation Reports

2023 CART Conference Documentation (Revised) ASRMS.pdf


The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) promotes efficiency, transparency, and accountability in its operations, it being the lead social welfare and development (SWD) agency of the national government.  As a key player in the implementation of the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Law, the DSWD has already achieved major milestones in streamlining processes and improving service delivery.  

In order to advance efforts and recognize achievements, the Annual CART Conference is being conducted by the Policy Development and Planning Bureau (PDPB), through its Management Division (MD).  The conference brings together CART members and Anti-Red Tape Unit (ARTU) representatives from offices, bureaus and services (OBS) in the DSWD Central Office (CO) and the Field Offices (FOs). 

Objectives of the Annual CART Conference are aligned with the strategic directions of the DSWD related to the EODB Law implementation.  Through interdisciplinary exchanges, the conference provides an opportunity to showcase accomplishments, highlight initiatives, share best practices, discuss challenges, and propose solutions along process streamlining and service delivery improvement.

Moreover, the strategic planning component of the Annual CART Conference allows participants to collaboratively formulate plans and identify activities for the upcoming year in line with EODB goals.  This ensures that specific areas for improvement are prioritized and that resources are effectively allocated to make meaningful changes.  Lastly, efforts and achievements of CO OBS and FOs are recognized, motivating them to continue striving for excellence in service delivery.

With the theme, “Navigating the Path to Seamless Good Governance: Empowering Change through the Anti-Red Tape Initiatives and Innovations,” the 2023 CART Conference is expected to: increase awareness of accomplishments and milestones in the EODB Law implementation; encourage knowledge sharing among ARTU representatives; develop strategic initiatives to improve service delivery in line with the EODB goals for 2024; recognize outstanding performance and best practices; and, strengthen commitment to promote efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the operations of the DSWD.

The Registration and Introduction of Participants kickstarted the 1st day of the 2023 CART Conference.  The Opening Program transpired afterwards, with Preliminaries, Opening Remarks by PDPB Assistant Bureau Director Hannah A. Giray-Carcido, Keynote Speech by Assistant Secretary Rodolfo M. Santos (on behalf of Secretary Rex Gatchalian), Overview of the Conference Agenda by Ms. Jennifer Joy M. Dumaraos, Levelling of Expectations and Group Dynamics by the participants, Presentation of Participants’ Profile by Mr. Rodante G. Dulay, and 2022 CART Conference Status of Agreements by PDPB-MD Chief Divine Kristine S. Leaño.

Following the Preliminaries in the 2nd day of the conference, a Workshop on Identifying Bottlenecks and Good Practices, and Presentation of Workshop Outputs by the groups of participants were effectively undertaken.  In particular, the five (5) groups of participants deliberated upon and presented certain policies and practices that they recommend to Start, Continue, and Stop doing in terms of People, Process, and Structure insofar as the EODB Law implementation in the DSWD is considered.

In the 3rd day of the conference, the Preliminaries set off the program of activities facilitated by Ms. Dumaraos.  Subsequently, the following activities ensued: Presentation on Steering Efficiency through Integration of the Ease of Doing Business and Quality Management System by Ms. Imeeh T. De Leon; Presentation on the ARTU Roles, Functions and Responsibilities as per Special Order No. 2676 s. 2023 by Ms. De Leon; and, Launching of Electronic Client Satisfaction Measurement Form.  The 3rd day of the conference was highlighted by the Honorable Efforts on Anti-Red Tape or the HEART Awards, bestowing proper recognition to CO OBS and FOs for their remarkable contribution to combat red tape as affirmed by Assistant Secretary Santos in his Closing Message.

During the 4th and last day of the 2023 CART Conference, Division Chief Leaño made a Presentation of the Ease of Doing Business Roadmap, which included an indicative calendar of activities for the remaining months of the current year (2023) and the succeeding year (2024).  In the Closing Program, Division Chief Leaño also delivered the Closing Remarks, expressing appreciation of the active participation of ARTU Focals and ARTU Secretariat in the conference.