
DSWD FIELD OFFICE VI - Honored for Exemplary Compliance at 2024 Ease of Doing Business Summit 

On August 22, 2024, DSWD Field Office VI was honored with a certificate of recognition at the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Summit held in Iloilo City. The invitation from the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) allowed the office to showcase its exemplary practices in governance and compliance.

The award was presented to DSWD Field Office VI's Assistant Regional Director for Administration, Director Joselito G. Estember, and the office's ARTU Focal, Mr. Percival L. Agsam. The award was given by ARTA Secretary Ernesto V. Perez and ARTA Undersecretary Gerald G. Divinagracia during a special ceremony on stage.

The recognition highlights DSWD Field Office VI's dedication to upholding the highest standards of efficiency and transparency in public service. The award underscores the office’s commitment to improving service delivery and setting a benchmark for excellence within the government sector.

2nd ARTU and Secretariat Regular Quarterly Meeting (ASRQM) Successfully Convened 

The 2nd ARTU and Secretariat Regular Quarterly Meeting (ASRQM) was successfully held on 21 June, 2024 via Google Meet. The meeting brought together the ARTU Focal Persons and Secretariat to review progress, discuss ongoing projects, and strategize for the upcoming quarter. The meeting was presided by the CART Alternate Vice Chairperson Assistant Secretary Rodolfo M. Santos.

Presentations during the meeting can be accessed here:

DSWD Enhances Service Efficiency: CART TWG on IQA Conducts Capacity Building Workshop 

The Department of Social Welfare and Development, through the Committee on Anti-Red Tape - Technical Working Group on Internal Quality Audit (CART TWG on IQA), conducted the IQA Capacity Building Workshop last May 20-24, 2024 at Sequoia Hotel, Quezon City and via Zoom Platform.

The five-day workshop, spearheaded by Undersecretary for Policy and Plans and CART Vice Chairperson, Atty. Adonis P. Sulit CESO II, Assistant Secretary and CART Alternate Vice Chairperson Rodolfo M. Santos CESO II,  and Policy Development and Planning Bureau - Management Division Chief Atty. Divine Kristine S. Leano, aimed to enhance the capability of the DSWD Internal Quality Auditors (IQAs) to carry out internal quality audits aligned with the ISO 19011:2018 standards of auditing Quality Management Systems, and to plan the DSWD’s Annual Internal Quality Audit Program. The activity was attended by IQA Team Leaders and Assistant Team Leaders in the Central and Field Offices.

DSWD, secures eligibility for the grant of FY 2022 Performance-Based Bonus

MANILA Philippines - The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has secured once more its eligibility for the grant of the FY 2022 Performance-Based Bonus. In the scorecard released by the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information, and Reporting Systems or commonly known as the IATF AO 25, DSWD personnel are entitled to 52% PBB Grant of their monthly basic salary after garnering a total score of 16 equivalent to 80 total points. The Department has also ensured compliance to 8 out of 11 Agency Accountability Requirements.

To be eligible for the grant, agencies must satisfy the criteria and conditions under the four (4) dimensions of accountability namely Performance Results, Process, Results, Financial Results, and Citizen/Client Satisfaction Results and attain a total score of at least 70 points and achieve at least a rating of 4 for at least three (3) criteria based on the PBB Scoring System.

It is noteworthy that DSWD was able to get a perfect score for financial and process results. Financial Results refer to the actual spending of the agency's budget allotment vis-a-vis the realization of the committed programs and projects based on the FY 2022 GAA. On the other hand, Process Results refer to the achievements in ease of doing business/ease of transaction with the agency as a result of streamlining and standardization.