CY 2024 CART Conference


CART CON Video.mp4

About the Conference

CART Con 2024_Cover Vid

Since the enactment of Republic Act No. 11032, known as the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has been at the forefront of implementing anti-red tape initiatives. These efforts have been instrumental in significantly reducing bureaucratic red tape, including unnecessary regulations, complex procedures, and excessive administrative hurdles.

In 2019, the DSWD issued Administrative Order No. 20 s. 2019, which outlined the guidelines for the DSWD Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Service Delivery. This initiative was further strengthened in 2020 with the reorganization of the DSWD Ease of Doing Business Task Force as the Committee on Anti-Red Tape (CART) through the issuance of Special Order No. 2969 s. 2020. The restructured committee was tasked to ensure the Department's compliance with the requirements of the Ease of Doing Business Law, its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and subsequent directives from the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA).

Four years after the establishment of the DSWD CART, the Department has achieved remarkable milestones in its anti-red tape initiatives. These efforts have not only streamlined processes and improved efficiency but have also redefined the public sector landscape through technological advancements. The DSWD continues to lead by example, demonstrating a steadfast commitment to enhancing service delivery and reducing bureaucratic obstacles, ultimately fostering a more efficient and citizen-centric public service environment.

This year, the DSWD CART is proud to conduct its annual CART Conference entitled TRANSFOURM with the theme “Beyond Boundaries: Transforming Public Service through Digital Innovation” which will happen on July 23-26, 2024 at the Madison 101 Hotel + Tower, Quezon City.

The theme of this year’s CART Conference underscores the vital role of public services as the backbone of any society, ensuring the well-being and prosperity of its citizens. However, traditional methods of service delivery are often hampered by bureaucratic inefficiencies, limited resources, and a lack of innovation. As we advance further into the 21st century, there is an urgent need to transcend these boundaries and leverage digital innovation to enhance the efficiency, accessibility, and responsiveness of public services.